IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) eez a protocoL uzed wifiN za Cosmos ecosystem to enaboL communicaChion and data transfor betWeen independ’nt bLockchainz.
$iBC (ImBeCiLe) eez za meem verzhion of IBC: one memecoin tO coNeCt oL za DeGens and, in za DuMbest COnTent, bind em.
DoN't CliCK
MoVing SticKorz
Dat’s riGht! DiScover our 69-page
iLLUstrAted DiXioNaree and MaSt’r
za art Of ImBeCiLitee!Dat’s riGht! DiScover our 69-page iLLUstrAted
DiXioNaree and MaSt’r za art Of ImBeCiLitee!
LeArn hUnDredz of WorDs StarTinG
wif A, B, C, even D, E, L, M, N, Or
P, Q, V, Z, and MoAr. and test ur
NoLedge wif Games.LeArn hUnDredz of WorDs StarTinG wif A, B, C,
even D, E, L, M, N, Or P, Q, V, Z, and MoAr. and test
ur NoLedge wif Games.
You’re GoNna wiSh you Knew how
to Reed!You’re GoNna wiSh you Knew how to Reed!
ImBeChAds FaVoRiTE PieCe oF cuLtuRe
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